COVID-19 Message

Our Message To You

As a valued member of the PDM Plumbing, Heating & Cooling family, we appreciate the trust you place in us for your home and business comfort needs. With the current health concerns, it is important for all of us to monitor the rapidly evolving situation involving the coronavirus (COVID-19).

PDM Plumbing, Heating & Cooling provides a vital role in maintaining the health and safety of our community. Therefore, we will remain open during this time of social distancing. If your AC or heating is broken or you are experiencing plumbing problems, we will be there to fix it.

We want to share our plan to address concerns and answer questions that you may be asking. Below is our process moving forward until further notified.

If you need service, please call our main line at 815-390-7095 for service at any hour. We will continue to answer your calls and to take care of your needs.

Precautionary Measures We Are Taking

  • We have a very strict policy in place that if any staff member is not feeling well to stay home and consult with their physician and with his or her immediate supervisor.
  • We currently have adopted a “no hand-shake policy.”
  • All employees have been instructed to limit any hand to surface exposure.
  • We intend to limit our time in groups as a team as much as possible.
  • Technicians already work in isolation for most of the day and are not exposed to large groups during work. We will be limiting face to face interaction between our office team members and field team members.
  • We will be following cleaning protocols recommended by CDC and state agencies.
  • Technicians follow a hand sanitizing protocol when they arrive to each job and after they leave each job.

Service Call Precautions

We are open and running calls to homes. We want to be there in case of emergencies and make sure we keep our customers safe and comfortable at home. We also need to take caution to protect our team members and make sure they stay healthy, as well.

When you call, our office staff will be asking if anyone in the home has a fever, been diagnosed or had exposure to the virus. We need to know so that we can be proactive with our team’s response and level of protection. We will have some team members who do not want to be exposed to a high-risk customer and we will respect those wishes. We will also have team members who are willing to work in that environment so that we can respond to those in most need.

In most cases we can troubleshoot equipment from outside, in a crawl space, or in the attic with minimal face to face contact. We will be following protocols to maintain a safe work environment by disinfecting work areas in the home and in our trucks after each call.

Maintenance Calls

The maintenance of your HVAC system and water heater is important to us. We will be performing maintenance on a case by case basis. If you have any questions about this, please contact the office at 815-390-7095 .

Updates From PDM Plumbing, Heating & Cooling

We will carry out our plan in two week increments unless the situation changes. We will send out communications via email and social media if our plan changes.

We greatly appreciate our customers and team members here at PDM Plumbing, Heating & Cooling. We understand the value of trying to reduce the spread of this virus so that our healthcare system is not overwhelmed. We are confident that we will be able to handle this predicament as quickly as possible and return to normality.

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