$100 OFF Best Air Purifier

Enjoy Cleaner Air At A Lower Price!

PDM Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Since 1885 is happy to offer the following air purifier special. Available for a limited time, don’t wait to take advantage of these air purifier savings!

When you’re ready to schedule a service, contact PDM at 815-390-7095 today and make sure to reference the offer below to lock in your savings!


$100 OFF
Best Air Purifier

Enjoy Cleaner Air At A Lower Price! PDM Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Since 1885 is happy to offer the following air purifier special. Available for a limited time, don’t wait to take advantage of these air purifier savings! When you’re ready to schedule a service, contact PDM at 815-390-7095 today and make sure to reference the […]

Expires: December 31, 2024 - Act now! Offer may be limited if used in combination with another promotion. Call today to schedule a visit.
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