
Whole House Humidifier Service Improves Your Health and Lowers Heating Bills.

The Mellowness And Tang Of Dry Winter Air.

Maintaining your whole house humidifier or installing a new home furnace humidifier protects your health, lower heating bills, improve your immune system. Having the proper humidity level in your house is key to healthier living and an overall more comfortable winter. PDM Heating is here to improve your life with a whole house humidifier service. Watch video.

Whole house humidifier comfort

Whole House Humidifier for Furnace Lowers Heating Bills.

Dry winter air makes you feel colder at normal temperatures leading you to turn up the thermostat. This will drive your heating bill higher than it needs to be. Air that captures more moisture can maintain more heat, so it feels warmer.

Most home furnace humidifiers can deliver anywhere between 12-18 gallons of water per day into the air. Humidifiers makes your home feel warmer, translating into savings of 1 to 3 percent for every one degree you lower the thermostat.

Commercial humidifier and whole house humidifiers are an easy way to stay healthy, add comfort and lower heating costs this winter. Ask the PDM Comfort Team for humidifier furnace options.


Whole house humidifier comfort

Home Furnace Humidifier Improves Your Immune System.

Fact: Studies show flu viruses thrive in dry winter air. Honeywell and Aprilaire humidifiers create an environment that’s great for your family…but not for the flu. 

A healthy body is a happy body. You walk taller. Breathe deeper. Have fresher breath. A humidifier furnace improves your health.

Naturally you feel dry air in the wettest parts of your body first. Your sinuses, throat, eyes and skin dry out, making you uncomfortable. Dry nostrils can crack and give you a nosebleed.

Your body's immune system stays healthy at around 35% relative humidity. If the temperature outside hits 10 degrees, your home’s indoor relative humidity can be in the single digits thanks to warm, dry air from your furnace. PDM can help you fix that health problem with a whole house furnace humidifier!


Scorched Sinuses, Itchy Skin.

Did you know your sinus cavities are protected by paper thin and fragile mucous membranes? Mucous helps keep them pliable.

When dry, mucous membranes can crack, allowing disease-causing germs a direct channel into your bloodstream. This is a real problem in the winter, when bacteria and viruses live longer in dry air after a sneeze or cough. Mucous's job is to trap these invaders and help them drain down into your stomach where gastric acids kill the germs.

Whole house humidifier comfort

Your Body Is A Furnace, Too.

Body temperature is controlled by secreting moisture from perspiration, which evaporates, absorbing heat from your skin.

The dryer the air, the faster the evaporation and the quicker your body cools. Turning up the thermostat just dries the air even more, leading to a feedback loop that can make you feel even colder.

A furnace humidifier keeps the moisture in the air at a stable level, so your furnace's work doesn't go to waste and your body doesn't have to overdo it. Combined with the latest air purifying system, a whole home humidifier can make your home an oasis of comforting, clean air.


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Benefits Of Installing Whole House Humidifier for Furnace 

  1. Improve Immune System - Your sinus is protected by paper thin and fragile mucous membranes. When dry, they crack and allow infectious germs a direct path to your bloodstream. Dryness can also cause a bloody nose. Humidifiers help protect your immune system.
  2. Lower Heating Bills - Moisture regulates body temperature. When perspiration evaporates, it absorbs heat from your skin. The dryer the air, the quicker your body cools. When chilly, you turn up your furnace thermostat which dries the air even more. With a furnace humidifier you can lower the temperature, which will save on heating costs.
  3. Preservation - Humidifiers can help prevent cracks and damage to wooden floors, furniture, plants, and even animal health.
  4. Virus Protection - Keeping indoor humidity between 30%-50% minimizes virus survival rates.

PDM - Delivering Healthy Air For 139 Years.

PDM has been your home comfort expert in the greater Joliet area since 1885. As a family owned company, we are big enough to serve you but small enough to prioritize honesty and integrity.

Our friendly and knowledgeable technicians look forward to bringing a furnace humidifier into service for you! Send us a message online or give us a call at 815-726-6264 and learn more about how you can get your own whole house furnace humidifier!


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